25.6.04 |
of documentaries and politics |
today is the opening of fahernheit 9/11. i will say right off the bat that i do not know if i will see this. i am a fan of michael moore in general and i was deeply moved by bowling for columbine. but i do not like what this has become. his raping of the press disgusts me to the point where i don't know if i should support the movie. i'm sure there are many points that are true in the movie but based on his presentation of those findings to the press, i believe they are misrepresented. not justified, most likely, but still misrepresented.
there will be a new film festival - american film renaissance - supported by conservative forces, coming on september 9-11 (coincidence?) in dallas. the show will feature right-wing documentaries like michael moore hates america and is it true what they say about ann? in an effort to counter liberal hollywood.
it will be interesting to note which events/films make money. i'm sure there's just as much money in lib-hating as there is in 'bringing down the right wing conspiracy'. |
posted by Paige @ 1:20 PM |
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