23.6.04 |
gipper worship |
in follow up to my blog about reagan's funeral, i read an interesting editorial in christianity today about reagan's appeal to the religious right despite his inability to legislatively further their agenda. i must say that i admire the author's gumption for stating his opinions amidst the reagan love-fest that was dc. i admit that i got a little tired of commuting through it each day, but i realize that had nothing to do with his merit as a leader or even the activities of his death. just frustration that folks don't stand to the right. but i digress...
i still cling to my neutral stance on his presidency. i was too young to have the 'personal experience' of it and i have not made up my mind one way or the other on the policies he had. but, i will take a stance on this one thing - i find it downright dangerous the way that 'christians'* are aligning themselves with a political party - especially one political party!
the article quotes cal thomas as saying, politics is the great seducer. i doubt cal meant this as anything other than an introductory sentence for the purpose of hooking a listener/reader. but let's think about that statement a moment. to seduce is to lure one away from something else. dictionary.com says it is to lead away from duty, accepted principles, or proper conduct. have we, as christians, been lured away from our first love by believing that our hope lies in policy or worse, a leader? i have many, many people who are quick to cast me into the 'bush-hater' category, but really it has nothing to do with bush, or reagan for that matter. i question whether our religious leaders have responsibly lead a country closer to God. and i fear that the answer to that question may be no.
*i know, i'm stereotyping with this word. i use it in the 'majority' sense, not personally. |
posted by Paige @ 1:51 PM |
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