20.7.04 |
introvert xian v. extrovert xian |
this weekend at a party i had a conversation with ken about hometowns. i often get a defensive response from virginia-natives (and not many others, though sometimes midwesterners), as if i'm being arrogant by replying, 'i'm from l.a.'*. i find it interesting that people respond that way.
this man had the same response. i can't remember exactly what he said, but it was something like, 'i could never live in l.a.' (again, i hear that often). when i asked him why, he replied that there are not enough christians there. i found this to be very interesting because i have never examined a possible dwelling place against that criteria. but it is valuable criteria. personally, i would run away from anything described as "lots of christians".
as i gave this more thought i realized that just as there are two main personality types, introverts and extroverts, are not these two personality types also relevant to one's spiritualilty? i mean, wouldn't there be spiritual introverts and spiritual extroverts? i would consider ken a spiritual extrovert - he gets his spiritual enrichment with the aid of others, a noble and biblically-modeled reaction. i would then consider myself a spiritual introvert - i get my spiritual enrichment primarily through my personal time with God. to add to this thought, i would throw out a strawman-thesis and say that it is opposite of one's public personality type. me, who is a social extrovert, is a spiritual introvert. i would venture to guess that sarah would be a spiritual extrovert while socially an introvert.
another question that came to mind with this thought is is one' s spiritual personality type related to leadership roles? just as God has created different roles for those He calls, does he not create in them a similar spiritual personality? this sunday merritt spoke about abram and how he was pretty much the only one who believed in this God, and abram is considered a leader, the father of the jewish people. and for the israelites, they grew as a result of their communion with each other. the followers of the leader were spiritual extroverts.
*somewhere, some media marketing executive should be richly rewarded (probably already has been) for years of work that went into creating this perception of socal as 'the best place to live' or 'the land of fruits and nuts', etc. so many stereotypes are depicted about l.a. thanks to shows like the oc.
posted by Paige @ 11:28 AM |
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