26.7.04 |
"this is different" |
is it bad when your youth pastor has divorced his wife and begins living with one of the youth group leaders? yeah, i thought so too. but at least the publishers of his books about running a good youth ministry and worship to high school kids are still promoting the book.
here's what i don't understand - why do we not go all the way to disapprove of divorce, or the breakup of the family? christians seem to have no problems uniting to ban gay marriage in the name of 'preserving the union of marriage' and yet we are none other than pussies when it comes to fighting the breakup of families in our own churches. case in point, the loudest voice in the fight to ban gay marriage is the american family association, who's website proudly stands in defiance on the issue...yet mentions nothing (nor links to any helpful resources) for people struggling with or considering divorce. (try it - hit ctrl 'f' then enter 'divorce' - what results do you find?) and why should the afa condone such an issue? after all, a large portion of their constituency are now divorced.
lately i've been thinking about the leaders and heros we choose in our country, one of which recently is mr. '6 time winner' armstrong himself. everyone seems to be pretty excited about him and cheering him on. i am too, but i can't get past the fact that he divorced his wife after she stood by him when he was sick and is now getting cheered on by his rock-star girlfriend. i don't know what faith lance himself professes, but i have a hard time with the pride and emotions my christian friends feel towards lance while at the same time forwarding an email petition fervantly requesting my email signature in support of 'saving the institution of marriage'. i realize that it is not exactly the same thing but if we are going to fight to save marriage, let's consider all the players in the field.
i saw this great south park episode where stan's parents are getting a divorce for reasons his father explains to him as his mom and dad "don't like each other any more". stan explains how he doesn't like his sister any more and could they get divorced. his dad says no, that's different because she's family and they have to work it out. when stan reminds him that he and stan's mom made a commitment to be family and they should work it out, his response was "it's different".
and wow, just look at this website offering divorce services for christians. it's ok to get divorced because you have a christian lawyer and surely since he is a minister too than if he recommends a divorce than it must be ok. after all, "Follow the light and you shall find God's way" which just might mean hiring mr. radoff. oh, and this service is available for those citizens in the state that pioneered the demise of the marriage institution.
the stance that i personally take on all of these issues boils down to commitment. i intend to take my marriage with the utmost sincerity and commitment.
posted by Paige @ 6:37 AM |
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