4.11.04 |
another terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. |
it's another yucky day in dc. i shouldn't be complaining because for the last week or more we've had la-like weather in november, but still. just take a read at list of gripes and i'm sure you'll agree...
1. two metro trains collided with eachother for no real reason. which wouldn't be a problem except that the red line is the only way to get from alexandria (home) to bethesda (work).
2. i drove, but was reminded that my car consumes (or excretes....i haven't quite figured that out yet) oil and coolant like nothing else.
3. it's raining angry rain. it turned from yesterday's sunshine to cloudy, foggy and rainy. the kind of rain the pierces straight through your skin to prick your bones with icy force.
4. since it is so nice and chilly i thought i'd wear my brand new winter suit. but as i was walking to the office a blue minivan drove at record speed by me only to break 10 feet later. it was the kind of wave of water dousing me that i used to think only happens in the movies.
5. i borrowed my sister's new shoes to match my new suit so at 10:15 am i now have 3 new blisters.
6. oh, and i'll be in committee meetings for the rest of the day.
there are many other cry-worthy items to my day (the election, dating, eating candy for breakfast, pending birthday, knee injury, poor grades in classes, arafat, genocide in sudan, to name a few...), but i will stop complaining now. i want to go home. find a good, soft pillow. wrap up in a big, down blanket and finish watching jules and jim from last night. but this is the day that the Lord has made and i will rejoice and be glad in it.*
and i am humbled that as i type this i am listening to the new caedmon's call album where danielle is singing "Jesus is all i need" as quoted to her by a woman in equador. a great and truly moving album. |
posted by Paige @ 7:24 AM |
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