god meets girl

the hey day of 80s fashion
christine's post made me think of i saw yesterday. this, as worn by one of the migrant workers in town. actually, the one she was wearing had the elephants on the back, but that's not the point. do you remember these shirts? i'm sure it was orginally $3o, in the 80s, but she probably found it at a thrift store for a buck.

remember when banana stores more closely resembled a tommy bahamas than an ann taylor? i remember lots of straw huts and jungle gear. it's funny the cycles that retailers go through.

but thinking of this made me wonder what designer labels have stood the test of time (or, at least a generation). what do you think? i was thinking of how popular esprit was. what the heck happened to that line? and guess and benetton still have stores...but really, how many people do you know that actively seek out either store when shopping? i suppose the frontrunner, for popularity anyway, would be ralph lauren.

huh, esprit is still selling clothes...
posted by Paige @ 8:31 PM  
  • At 6:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hmm...yeah i remember espirit. That's all i wanted to wear back then. i dont have any memory of BR probably because there wasn't a BR in Singapore where i grew up. I agree with you Ralph Lauren remains status quo and people still love 'em. Was JCrew around back in the day or is it a relatively new store?

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