9.5.07 |
i must have some worth |
have you ever had to gain approval from your doctor? as a person new to town and overdue for a doctor's visit, i of course had to find a new doctor. i did what most people would do and asked around. i got a referal to a good medical group, checked out to see if they took my insurance and set on my way to make an appointment.
well boy was i wrong in thinking it was that simple. i called yesterday and got a flat "he's not seeing any new patients". i explained that i had a referal and then proceded through a series of questions not unlike my college applications. i had to say the correct referring doctor's name, state that i was insured, give my references (the existing patient, a friend of mine), answer a brief health history quiz, clarify that i was insured with a ppo and not an hmo, then "leave a message" with the doctor who "may chose to accept" me.
after much toil, i am pleased to report that i have been accepted as a new patient to the hillcrest internal medicine group. i am proud...
...even if it was my safety medical group. |
posted by Paige @ 9:47 PM |
worth is a good thing but how about some updates from the girl in cali?
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worth is a good thing but how about some updates from the girl in cali?