god meets girl


you know how parts of your life just seem to be the same? same people, same buildings, same shower and closet each morning, etc. it's like the vw commercial where that poor young man makes the same movements in the same environment day after day. except for me, a new convertible bug doesn't spark change in the monotony, although it may help.

anyway, i feel like that. not matter how much i try to take different trains and buses to spice up my life, i still feel like i'm stuck in the commercial, or groundhog day. same people, same trains, same run to catch train, and same thoughts. this is my typical mental conversations each morning and sometimes evening (usually i'm too tired to care much):
urrgh, the train is packed again!
mmm...i love having my nose 2 inches from others' armpits. thank the lord it is morning.
mmm...even better when the train jerks to a hault and pushed my nose into said armpit.
whew, dupont circle, finally i can get a seat.
uggh, why don't people brush their teeth in the morning. hmmm, maybe he did and should seek some medical attention.
ouch, that was my foot you just stepped on. thanks for turning around to even acknowledge it. and yes, it was my bare toes as i'm wearing SANDALS!!!
oh! what is that smell!
ok, did you have to sit on top of me? i mean, there's like 5 inches of seat to your right.
amen! tenleytown. only two stops to go.
this is bethesda, one of the richest cities in the country. why is there water pouring from the gaping hole in the ceiling of metro stop? and more importantly, why has it been like this for 2 months? the injustice!
what on earth is my fare increase funding?!!
posted by Paige @ 6:54 AM  
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