17.11.04 |
to paige, age 14; from paige, age 27 |
in keeping with previous tradition of special birthday blogs, a note to myself in junior high.
to paige (1991):
happy birthday. 14 is going to be a big year for you. since i'm almost twice your age, i thought i'd give some ideas for then next decade or so.
-people are mean; they get more subtle in their delivery. but you'll get better at reading the subtlety.
-there are mistakes you will make this year, and they are serious, but they are valuable in their existence.
-forgive mom and dad. they're human and they love you.
-embrace music and don't let anyone take it away from you. it's your gift from dad.
-when you meet troy, run to him. when you meet brian, run.
-travel. travel around the world.
-high school is hard. but you'll get great friends out of it.
-go to chapel, even if you don't want to. 'cause if you don't, you never will.
-perfect your surfing and snowboarding while you can.
-don't buy the golf, no matter how much you love vw's.
-accomplishment is not really what people will often tell you it is.
and finally, life is so much bigger than you see it. live it with unencumbered faith!
happy birthday.
from paige (2004) |
posted by Paige @ 6:33 PM |
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