15.12.04 |
the better employer bureau |
i have an idea for a new business. this is a big deal for me, since i'm so not one to think up potential businesses. actually, maybe it shouldn't be a business, since it would actually be a public service rather than for profit. i'm curious to learn what my business-minded friends like david and john have to say...but then again, i probably already know that. "how would this generate revenue?" well, we'll burn that bridge when we get to it.
i want to create a website that rates workplaces for employees much like the better business bureau rates businees for customers. i mean, how great would it be if there were a wherehouse of information for a potential employee where they could see other employee's complaints/praises for the company they worked for. ratings could be based on things like benefits, overtime expectations, travel expectations, and potentially even management (although i suppose that enters very subjective territory).
i ask because i'm being very rudely treated by an organization i am considering working for (and a very large and well-respected one, i might add) and honestly, i can't tell if it's just a busy time of year (holidays) or something, or if the people i'd work for are always this unprofessional. (i'm guessing it's the latter) anyway, this morning i was fantasizing on how i could stop others from working for them, if they turn out to be total jerks in the long run. but short of standing outside the office with a sign, i'm not sure how that's possible. now if only i had the time to start this... |
posted by Paige @ 7:40 AM |
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