31.12.04 |
new years |
although i feel most people have a disdain for the practice, i actually love new years resolutions. i suppose it is the regeneration - the continuation of life, despite set backs. i love sunsets for the same reason and would say it is what i love most about my salvation too. hope, because of forgiveness and new life.
this list is ambitious, yes, but i see it as continual and i trust it is formed by God's design. it is Him who makes all things beautiful in time. i pray your beauty as i continue in 2005.
1. to have no other expectation in my walk with God but to listen to Him*.
2. to pray with the words He gives me*.
3. to travel (ideas for this year: boston, prague, grand canyon, florida, a.t.).
4. to learn love.
5. to find 'my drink'.
6. to view life as eternal and to save appropriately for this world and beyond.
7. to find a red lipstick that actually looks good on me.
8. to cook.
9. to find adventure where i live and perhaps where i don't live.
10. to spend less money on food and more on others.
11. to replace morning coffee with green tea.
12. to create a new blog with posts about my passion of pop culture and God. |
posted by Paige @ 10:12 AM |
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