29.12.04 |
tsunami |
i am a little stunned, sad and gripped by the reports of the tsunami. i feel a little guilty about what i wrote after the hurricanes last year. i feel as though it was insensitive because i had no idea that tsunamis can make this much destruction. patrick wrote an excellent comment on the subject that helps me think through it all.
i would also like to point out this article, which makes me smile at God's provision. did you know that most people that die after volcano eruptions die not of smothering by lava as i had previously thought, but rather for starvation, disease, and mudslides because of the destruction done to the land and crops*? perhaps this is God's way of continuing to provide for those that survive, by maintaining the animals for food/agriculture/etc.
*something i learned in my physical geography class last sememster. good to know that money was not wasted. |
posted by Paige @ 10:50 AM |
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