26.1.05 |
big pimpin' |
..but this morning i have to say that i was a little offended. first let me say that i dislike the morning radio options here in dc. i try npr if i'm feeling professional, but usually it just makes me sad. and since there's almost no station that plays just music, i'm left listening to morning radio. (per previous post, i have no cd or tape player in my car...i think it's time to invest in satellite radio) simply put, i miss kevin and bean.
this morning the radio station was talking about pimp rings in high schools, and apparently was launched by a discussion about those colored plastic charity bracelets which allegedly denote how far you will go sexually, or how far you've been or something like that. i'd heard about the bracelet message thing before, but a pimp ring? crazy. but there quite a few callers who could attest to pimping at their high school. am i naive to think that didn't happen at my school? of course, i went to a christian school...so i guess it was given away for free...(that was bad. sorry.) i do know that in our class of slackers (and i mean that literally - as any in our class would agree - i can't think of one person from our class that works in a fortune 500 company, for example, but neither do i) we had the following: at least a handful of pregnancies during high school and the year or so following and several coke addictions, in addition to the typical drinking, stealing and smoking pot, etc. how's that for a class of about 100?
but thinking about my experience did rush back all the junk of high school. man, am i glad that time of my life is over. my thought as i heard this today was, how could someone feel so low that they would choose an option like that? but i am quickly reminded of all the horrible stuff i did out of insecurity, hopelessness, and to feel love. but none of it was really love at all. and how much do i still search after things, perhaps not as detrimental as drugs and unsafe sex, to fill the same need in my life today? |
posted by Paige @ 6:31 AM |
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