18.1.05 |
open season for pop culture enthusiasts |
yes folks, 'tis the season that trend-watching junkies like me drool over. it's oscar season, which means it's golden globe, people's choice, etc. etc. etc. some people play fantasy football, i play top-grossing-movie-pool, neuenburg style. and i lost. again. my fifth season. i can pick good movies, but i'm still having a lot of trouble convincing enough people to see the good movies such that it sways the statistics in my favor.
i picked:
1. The Incredibles
2. The Aviator
3. Oceans 12
4. Meet the Fockers
5. Bridget Jones' Diary: The Edge of Reason
it was national treasure that really hurt me. who knew that would be as popular as it was?! i always throw one in for fun, kind of my 'wish' projection...that was bjd this time. that hurt too. but i'd like to point out that on the whole, i wasn't far off! i'm getting better.
so matt, where's my final update? |
posted by Paige @ 12:30 PM |
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