10.1.05 |
post about nothing at all |
alright, instead of complaining about my work condition, as i am prone to do lately, i will do something more creative and blog. please forgive my sarcasm today...i confess i'm dripping with it and i can't seem to shake it.
perhaps you would like to read about my weekend? dad came in to town to finish (hopefully) the kitchen remodel and i played chauffer extraordinaire. we braved lowes and home depot on saturday morning, and that is quite a feat for the 9-5 yuppie-laden town that i live in. i also re-arranged furniture in my apartment (a hobby of mine - i firmly believe in the importance of changing one's surroundings) because having my bed up against the window (much as i love every ounce of light that flows through it), is a little too drafty in the winter.
last night i went to kairos, the young and trendy service of an episcopal church in our area. there were many things i liked about it - like the honest mention of race and injustice in our society, the teaching based on scripture instead of topics, worship and the importance of tradition in a church service. afterwards, we went to target and i picked up one of my favorite movies from 2004, 13 going on 30. i love that movie and couldn't wait to start watching it, even though i will watch it again tonight. what do i like about it, you ask? as i mentioned regarding new years resolutions, i love the idea of starting over and trying again. some of my favorite movies are also on this topic - it's a wonderful life, the philadelphia story, the shawshank redemption.
i will stop babeling now. thanks for reading and i suppose now i will return to do the work i'm paid to do. |
posted by Paige @ 10:45 AM |
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