11.1.05 |
the trouble with being a socialite |
the socialite in me is anxiously and desperately waiting to fill her calendar with two events. the first is this saturday night, an exclusive concert with john legend. this is exactly the event i want to go to and it is killing me that he's only doing one show, which happens to be in dc, in a tiny club, my favorite type of venue for excellent music, in the u street district, one of my favorite areas in dc. plus, i'm thinking kanye may be there.
the second is an inaugural ball. any ball will do, but the black tie and boots would of course be preferred. my moment of greatest glory occurred for the last inauguration*, so unfortunately the gods are not likely to shine on me this year.
i know it is wrong to covet, and the Lord and i are working that out. but i have GOT to get tickets to these events! does ANYONE out there know how??? the gop hasn't even sent out the invite yet and we're all getting desperate here.
*as an intern for cnn's crossfire, i was given tickets by bob novak on a thursday night before the show for the black tie and boots ball that saturday. since i did the show that friday night, that meant i had exactly 1 hour from 8pm until the stores closed at 9pm, to shop for a formal dress. and, since i was an intern and had just moved to dc, i had to find something on a very tight budget, which was pretty much zero. i picked macy's, and rightly so, because they had their extra % off on clearance sale at that time. i found a ballgown skirt and top for $35 dollars, within the hour timeframe. ah, that moment still fills me with joy. |
posted by Paige @ 7:18 AM |
John Legend was not popular now haven't seen him from awhile now unlike before at his peak of career legends in concert
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John Legend was not popular now haven't seen him from awhile now unlike before at his peak of career
legends in concert