god meets girl

my very republican week
washington dc is taking one big, collective nap. we're exhausted. it's been a full week of hard partying and gratitude. i'm so beat, i took the day off.

so, yesterday i started the day with arnie at rep. dreier's reception. (shhh...he didn't know i wasn't still a constituent) that was a fun surprise. enjoyed the inauguration via seats and the weather was so much better than last time. there was, like last time, a lot of fur and cowboy hats. some decorated with rhinestone bush/cheney's, and some formal for the black tie ball. if you saw the protesting ladies in pink being hauled away, we were sitting right by them.

after the ceremony i got to catch up with andrew, from the campaign (liz, don't laugh). then last minute shoe shopping. (a success) then prep for the ball. (not as successful since the car was on time. but with anne, i should have known)

the democracy ball was about what i expected. it's hard to say "it was nice" because it really is like prom - an expensive, overhyped event that you have to attend. this time there was dancing, more drinking and a president, but other than that, the same. and i had wonderful dates who gave me a wonderful time.

i did have to laugh (now, not at the time) at the man who cut in front of me in the drink line then accusingly asked, "you're not a republican, are you?" shoot! did i miss the handshake again? i always get the last part wrong...
posted by Paige @ 5:48 PM  
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