20.3.05 |
reunion |
last night i went to warehouse because i wanted to see jamie and i missed church in the morning. it was very strange, like the maranatha class of 1996 high school reunion. ok, so i graduated in 1995, and there were folks from 94-97...but still. in addition to jamie, i saw paul, jeremy, karen and others. of course ian and julia were there too.
during the service i had a couple of thoughts. the first was that it feels as though you can go into almost any sunday night, 'young adults' service in a church across the country and get almost the same feel. there is your basic rock-guitar strumming band with equal numbers of male and female singers, typically with their eyes shut and sometimes their arms raised. they sing any variety of songs from david crowder, traditional hymns (with modernized music), and matt redmond. there is a young looking guy in a casual collared shirt - sometimes holding a bible - but typically giving some variation of a stand-up act and a sermon. there are advertisements for SHAPE and ALPHA and probably for small groups which meet during the week. in the case of last night, these advertisements came in the form of a very long "prayer" - that God would 'bless' each of these events. i'm not sure that in a prayer God requires the dates, times and points of contact for each of these events, but He got 'em from this woman. and of course at the end is the usual mingle and meet. and sadly, if i hadn't known the people i mentioned above, i don't think anyone would have said hi to me.
along those lines, it felt so similar last night that i kept forgetting i was on the other coast. i kept looking back and expecting liz and anne to come in, or patrick and kurt, or anyone. a few times i even thought 'why isn't this person here'...but then i'd remember. and then when i would remember, i would then be on the lookout for lydia or john or pat. i exist in this surreal environment right now. outside of 2005 and everything i knew of arlington and pasadena.
but that will change. i will meet new people soon and begin a new life in los angeles. until then, i enjoy catching up with those friends that i love - including more visitors from the east coast. i get to see eric tomorrow. |
posted by Paige @ 9:15 PM |
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