15.3.05 |
was nwa right? |
i forgot what jerks the police are around here. the other day i was simply making a left turn past a policeman in his car when he gave me the hairy eyeball. i did absolutely nothing wrong…except maybe he was questioning my virginia plates. but still. and i’m a white woman! i can’t even imagine what it must feel like to be profiled.
i was not pulled over one time in dc (or md or va, for that matter) for my four + years i lived there. and, i’m embarrassed to say, i am not usually one to follow speed limits. not that i drive fast, just, how shall i put it, efficiently. but i think it is interesting that in dc there was not the same attitude as there is here. sure, there was a cop or two having a bad day...but i see nothing but aggressive cops around here.
it does make me wonder, though. is the health of a city directly related to the attitude of their police force? the la times had a very interesting op-ed section this weekend devoted to the subject of race in la. recently there was an unarmed 13 year old who was killed by a police officer. some opinions expressed that the temperature is right for another riot as tension is as it was prior to the watts riots and la riots of 92. of course, some people also stated that things were just fine and even greatly improved over the last decade.
i personally think that there is still a lot of tension, not racial at its core, but socio-economic. we often have no other means of expression the frustration and too easily choose race. |
posted by Paige @ 4:22 PM |
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