12.4.05 |
alright, i'm back. it's been a very long week, and this one promises to be just as long, but i'm here. i've had some creative thoughts...but i have no time to organize them. instead, here is a blurb on the best book i read last year:
"GILEAD" CAPTURES PULITZER: The novel Gilead ... won [a] Pulitzer Prize. Marilynne Robinson won the fiction award for her graceful and thoughtful novel about a 76-year-old Iowa minister looking back at his life and his forebears. [The book] is written in the form of a letter the Rev. John Ames, in failing health, is writing to his 6-year-old son in 1956. It deals with the minister's life and the lives of his father and grandfather, both of them preachers. One is a pacifist, the other is a gun-toting abolitionist. Robinson, who teaches at the Iowa Writers' Workshop in Iowa City, says the novel reflects her belief that "America is quite a religious country, but it's the extremes that have taken over the public discussion. I think many people have a different experience and understanding." (USA Today)
i'll be more back soon...can one be 'more' back? |
posted by Paige @ 7:39 AM |
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