29.3.05 |
decisions? |
i am horrible at making decisions. i am especially poor at it when there are many options in front of me. or maybe that's what makes me poor at making decisions...because i tend to see so many options. today is no exception to my lack of decisive skills.
i have a list of things i want for my new apartment: -affordable (though i'm willing to spend quite a bit) -living with fun, creative people (preferably in the biz) -my own place (preferably with a separate bedroom) -accessible to coffee shops and parks to run -dog friendly -accessible to fuller and my current job (wherever that ends up...) -a neighborhood with character and beauty
i found a place that had almost all of this yesterday, but i turned it down. it would most likely have been too hard on my budget...
today i saw a place with two very fun girls that would provide me with lowered rent a very short commute (for now). and, one of the girls works on 24 and both girls were right on with The Vision. i can hardly believe it. but, i have to live in the valley and i really feel like that is just not right place for me...
i also inquired as to subletting an apartment from a very cool musician who is heading to the east to record her album. this would afford me almost all of my qualifications...
so, do i hold off for The Perfect Place which meets all of these criterion, or pick the best/most as possible? do i struggle to make decisions because i just want it all? |
posted by Paige @ 10:26 PM |
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