27.3.05 |
resurrection day |
today is easter, the day when little children get dressed up and go to church. the day when big children get to drink again or pick up their vice, whatever that might be. i've been praying for my friends who have gone through lent and i cannot wait to hear what god revealed to them.
as most of you know, this year i did not give up anything for lent. as people would ask me about what i was sacrificing, they joked that i was giving up lent for lent. and now that i'm here in a new city, i think maybe they were right. i mean, why do we only give something up for 40 days? if it's truly something that takes us away from knowing God, then why don't we give it up permanently? easier said than done, i know, but i think that tomorrow will start lent for me.
what to give up? that's easy. it's what always nags me. it's what other see so easily and what i struggle even to type here. my vice is external, it is my self-serving desire for food. it is manifest in my struggle with weight, as many people can understand, but at the core it is indulgence.
the balance? a necessity, especially being in la. my struggle is not with looks, for that would only be feed the same self-serving desire. but it is difficult to focus on the core instead focusing on the byproduct.
i do have to smile at what wonderful friends i have. i was recounting to natalie how i feel like i've gained weight since being in paris, numerous dinner parties and my inability to find a good time to run. she told me she has this plan to not gain any weight [neither she nor i have gained any weight since college, nor is she fat to begin with!] but to stay the same. this way, when everyone else has gained weight over time, she'll actually be the thin one! i love her perspective. |
posted by Paige @ 8:11 PM |
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