2.2.05 |
i got you, babe |
today is groundhog day and incase you missed katie and matt's annoyed report of the events this morning from punxsutawney, pa, he saw his shadow so we have 6 more weeks of winter.
it is here that i must profess my affection for the movie, groundhog day. not only do i love bill murray, but i love the overall message of the movie. as i've said recently, i appreciate things that encourage starting over. too many times in my life i've seen people, including myself, give up too easily. i'm a fighter for what i believe is the only thing that matters in life - relationships. i like that murray's character is given many opportunities to get it right.
further, i like the christian implications of the movie - that there is something that is stopping him and making him change. murray's character does not know why he must repeat the same day, nor does he have someone answering his questions of 'why?', only that he has no option and must continue to seek for the purpose of his predicament. we, too, when faced with our moment of conversion, must learn how to proceed with life. many times we continue with the same patterns, but if we are smart we will learn. things become more familiar and should be either embraced or avoided. we have the responsibility and opportunity to react to that which is posed to us each day*. and sometimes we end up in the very place we despised before but with someone we have learned to love.
i think i will re-watch the movie tonight. in the meantime, i'll leave you with this: some gentleman with too much time on his hands even created some groundhog day songs.
*how un-calvinist of me...kurt would be so proud... |
posted by Paige @ 11:22 AM |
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