god meets girl

challenging The Vision
i went to a prospective student weekend at fuller this weekend, even though i already know i am attending, and i already know the program. you should know that i have approached my attending fuller a very round-about way. i used to work for young life, and our office was on fuller's campus. i know many of the staff through our yl committee, sharing the office space, and as personal friends. rather than speaking to the admissions staff, i opted to speak directly with the teachers to get their guidance and feedback - all of which was very positive.

now this weekend i had the opportunity to speak with the academic coordinator of the brehm center, the non profit center on campus that works in collaboration with the m.th. programs. after explaning my excitement in finally being in pasadena to begin classes at fuller, the gentleman i was speaking came just shy of telling me not to attend. part of this was due to my poor job at communicating my goals for attending the program. he kept saying things like "well, we're not here to train you as an artist" (which i explained to him i was not interested in), "we don't have many connections to hollywood" (after he stood in front of the audience touting their hollywood representation on the board), and "we've got a lot of people with an interest in pop culture but no real career direction" (as if to say, your kind is a dime a dozen). why would a person in charge of recruiting discourage one from pursuing this academic field? natalie said it may be because they are such a new program and therefore dealing with a lot of disappointed people. this could be true because he was very clear that the m.th. is a theology degree - which is exactly what i want.

i left the evening stunned at my first interface with the staff of the center. but the fighter in me is all the more driven now. since i had a hard time explaining my goals for the degree to him, i will clearly articulate them here:
1. to gain a master of the arts degree in worship, theology and the arts.
2. to academically learn how to communicate the gospel through the arts, specifically focusing on american popular culture.
3. to enrich my education with diversity classes through the cultural studies program (previously known as the school of world mission)
4. to pursue what i am confident is part of my life mission - using my culture to communicate the gospel - both in a paid career and a life career.

many people, including myself at times, ask me what i would do with a degree such as this. i answer that i see little difference between work and the rest of life, meaning that my goals in life should be similar to my goals in work (as stated in goal #4) and therefore it does not matter what i do as i will certainly use the knowledge. only God knows what job and other life circumstances he will place me in.

the end result of this weekend is a renewing of The Vision - with even more passion.
posted by Paige @ 10:09 AM  
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