19.4.05 |
whew! |
i got my apartment!!
i got an affordable studio (but dad is building me a bedroom/home office space - it sometimes pays to have a designer/contractor for a father) in los feliz! it is close to the house of pies, the derby (if you've seen swingers...), is one block above hollywood blvd and you can see the observatory from my street. it's a great building from the 1930s with lots of character. and guess what street i will live on? alexandria. i guess paul was right and i can't get away from dc.
and....i can have my dog!
and of course, i'll have a sleeper sofa - or at the very least an aerobed - for all of you to come visit! thanks for putting up with my apartment-search rantings. |
posted by Paige @ 6:01 PM |
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