14.4.05 |
milestones |
there are times in all of our lives when we hit milestones. these shared experiences create a sense of bonding and understanding among humankind. the common expereience after which one grows and learns valuable lessons. last week i had such a milestone - i had my first computer crash.
now, i know what you're thinking. yes, i am a 27 year old who has used computers for most of her life, so how have i gone this long without a crash? perhaps it is luck that allowed me to make it through my undergrad degree without a crash. but alas, it has happened to me. and true to murphy's law, when you most need the document is when the computer crashes.
here is my story - i work all week on a newsletter for our conference attendees last week. remember that i have only 3 weeks worth of industry knowledge with which to compose this newsletter, so gathering the information was in itself a feat. so at 9 pm on wednesday night, right before it was to go to print, ready for a 7 am Thursday distribution, the computer freezes and will not respond to my shouts or ctrl-alt-dels. so i hold the power down, it shuts off, then will no reboot even though it keeps trying and trying. after a frantic search through the hotel yellow pages i learned that no computer techs could solve the problem. i needed a new hard drive.
so that, my friends, is the story of my first computer crash. and that also explains (in addition to running a conference) why i have been offline lately. i feel somehow older, wiser, more mature. and i know that i am now in league with most of you because of this shared experience.
despite the teasing of mi nuevo amor (more on him later- i'd like your advice), i learned that this was not a result of the laptop's suicide attempt from a 12" bench. these things "just happen". |
posted by Paige @ 7:40 AM |
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