28.4.05 |
take me out |

last night natalie and her family took me to a dodger game and it was great to be there! despite losing (to the diamondbacks, nonetheless!), it was a great game. i love the location of dodger stadium, but i have to say that i like camden yards better. of course, i have yet to go to wrigley field or fenway park...so maybe i'll like those even more.
anyway, baseball. i love baseball. i love it because it means spring and summer are here. i love it for the history. i love it because it is a simple sport. i love it because you can throw stuff on the ground. and i confess, i think men in baseball uniforms look really good.
apparently last night we set a world record for sporting event attendence at 54,000+, though i can't find any article on google to support this. and maybe that is because last night was free dodger fleece blanket night. so after we get our free blanket at the enterance, there was a girl handing out a flyer. it turns out the blankets had a misprint and they were unable to reprint the blankets in time for the game. all i could think of at that time was that somebody lost his job that day. i think of the part in the holy grail - those responsible have been sacked. ah, we had a good laugh over it. and it turns out the misprint was one of the championship years. the blanket reads "1966" when they actually won in "1965". i wonder if the misprinted blanket would be worth money...
thanks to the podleys for these great seats. and to those of you who are about to comment - the cubs are my second favorite team. no conversion is necessary. |
posted by Paige @ 7:11 AM |
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