6.5.05 |
friends |
i am lonely. i love my three friends in la, but they're busy people. and sadly, i require lots of social time - darn i hate being an extrovert sometimes. i mean, you'd think that having just gotten a tivo that i would be content with a hermit's life for at least a few weeks...but one week is enough for me. because the more time i spend in my apartment, the more i want to go buy things to make it look cooler. and that's bad. really bad for me.
so, imagine my joy today when i discovered this website*. they should have called it "instant social life". you can do something new, with new people, any night of the week! crazy! i have a wonderful friend carrie who is so good at these things - putting herself out there to meet new people - and she is my inspiration for playing some pickup games or joining a card circle. and once i find a good church and start classes, i know that i'll make more friends too.
this weekend it's salsa dancing and some beach volleyball, in addition to hanging out with mom and a couple of friends in from dc. here's hoping against a social overdose.
*for all the times churches talk about outreach, and for those same churches who just succeed at building their congregation by transferral and not conversion, i have never heard any of them utilize resources like this website for outreach. here are thousands of young people searching for friends, many of whom are probably also searching for faith. |
posted by Paige @ 12:31 PM |
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