3.5.05 |
los angeles, mexico |
i forgot what a sensitive issue immigration is in la. 'well obviously', you say...but when you're not faced with it as prominently as we are, you tend to forget. there has been a flurry of discussion lately around a billboard in our area. it is for a local spanish language news station and it has "los angeles, ca" on it with the "ca" crossed out and "mexico" written over it. it also features a prominent mexico city landmark in the middle of the downtown skyline.
the billboard is of course controversial because it strikes at a nerve that many have here that the southland is being overtaken by latinos who are making little effort to assimilate to american life and culture (and those that know me, know that "american life and culture" is a very fluid term) and only feed off of social services. but i don't buy into the fear that all of our problems are due to immigration since there are so many other factors involved.
honestly, what i find most offensive about this advertisement is that plays on the stereotype that all latinos in la are mexican. the idea behind the advertisement is that it is supposed to communicate that the station understands the spanish speaking population, but it fails to do that by excluding salvadorans, or hondurans, or guatemalans, etc.
for those in other parts of the country, are you offended by the billboard for any reason? |
posted by Paige @ 9:08 AM |
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