god meets girl

wow, this otta be interesting!

see ya, kids! i'm off to vegas for a week or so.
posted by Paige @ 5:21 PM   1 comments

men growing up to be boys
just reading a fascinating little article about the marketing trends among men. i must say that i concur with this analysis.

American men may be doing their best to figure out what it means to be a man in the 21st century, but it’s no accident that these men—and more importantly, their sons—aren’t getting much help from the larger culture. “Consumerism wants to make us as atomized as possible—because the more individualized we are the better consumers we are,” says Simpson. “This is why masculinity is so fragmented today and incoherent—and irresponsible. It used to be the tradition. Literally passed down from father to son. But we live in a society where tradition stands in the way of profit. So bye-bye daddy.”
posted by Paige @ 11:30 AM   0 comments

can we have our balls back, please?
yes, it is true, the bright orange revolving 76 balls are being removed from our gas stations. you can sign an e-petition to try to convice conocophillips to save the balls.

when i think of 76, two memories come to mind. the first was my friend amanda's mustang, which had the antenae ball, that i was insanely jealous of. the second is natalie's brother, who worked at a 76 station. on day a gentleman was pumping his gas and decided to start up his car and head home. he came back to the station, held out the nozzle and said, "i got home and this was here".
posted by Paige @ 8:16 AM   0 comments

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