26.10.05 |
wow! ok all you lake ave-ers, how's this for a blast from the past! see if you can figure out who it is.
no luck? try this link. |
posted by Paige @ 10:28 PM |
19.10.05 |
gravanity |
gravanity - the obsession that we have with leaving our mark on culture. a la warhol's 15 minutes of fame.
ex. this blog. |
posted by Paige @ 8:27 PM |
15.10.05 |
trailers |
watch these movie trailers and tell me if you would go see the movies:
movie 1 movie 2 movie 3
brilliant! |
posted by Paige @ 11:41 AM |
13.10.05 |
skilz |
one of the benefits of urban living - sharpened parallel parking skills.
last night i parked in a spot with literally 6 inches total between me and the other two cars. seriously, 3 inches on my front bumper and 3 on my rear bumper. i am so proud of myself that i almost took a picture to show you all...but the other car moved already this morning, so you'll have to take my word for it. it is one of my finest moments to amaze the doubting onlookers.
and i did it on my first try. |
posted by Paige @ 10:12 AM |
11.10.05 |
the bad part about puppies |
bogart decided to rip my apartment apart today. this is the first time he's done this, but i guess it is to be expected. he can't be a perfect dog.
he ate: my cozy sweater. my new boots box. my basket for work documents (thankfully they were with me). my homework. seriously. the book will require some duct tape. the sealed box the book came in. i had just picked it up from the mail. my tivo remote.
needless to say, i dug his crate out and he has spent the rest of the day in the crate. |
posted by Paige @ 10:57 PM |
10.10.05 |
club |
tonight was the first club of the school year. i am no longer on committee but am back to working with kids through young life. and working with kids i am.
our club is all latino kids in hollywood. the first club of the year, a brand new group of leaders, and we got about 25 kids. mostly boys. and by boys i mean, they have a good 50-100 lbs on me.
tonight i met benji, joseph and david, cherry, jessica and rudy. |
posted by Paige @ 9:25 PM |
2.10.05 |
guess what i spent all weekend doing? |
 well, i finally entered the 21st century and bought myself a digital camera and ipod. yeah, i know...but better late than never.
bog and i had fun playing with the delay function. and he was happy to do some poses for me. feel free to check them out on flickr.
in the meantime, you will find me on my laptop uploading my cds... |
posted by Paige @ 2:04 PM |
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